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Soul Session Clients

"​I bow humbly in sincere gratitude for you and your heart-centered transformational work. Anne is a caring, gentle soul who has an amazing gift of healing love that creates a safe space to walk through life painful experiences.
Anne’s facilitating is so clearly informative, sensitive, and intuitive. Her encouragement guides individuals safely into vulnerability and heart healing, led by her own ability and willingness to be authentic and vulnerable.
Compounded loss, grief and trauma from a crazy story of woundology,  I have finally been able to accept and move on from things that have been affecting my life on a daily basis. Thank you so much Anne , you truly have changed my life.
A truly amazing experience! I share Anne’s information with many of my clients."
-Jane Del Piero, LuvLight, Colorado
"I first reached out to her with zero context into my background - she was able to hear from my loved ones who have crossed over with a shocking amount of specificity and depth. Each time I have spoken with her, she delivers messages from those who have passed away with the closeness/intimacy felt between loved ones and a comforting tact that not each medium offers.
Beyond her mediumship, Anne has an ability to read the soul in a way that is unmatched. She acquaints herself with my energy and offers insight so deep that a new level of awareness is brought to my psyche. She can read my current existence and offer self-improvement exercises that (when done consistently) allow for deeper engagement with my higher-self. I have seen transformation not only in my thought process, but in my earthly existence and overall fulfillment in life.
You will feel changed and moved by her gift, regardless of if you have spoken with mediums/psychics before or if this is your first.
- T.L., Massachusetts
"Who knew when I had my first remote session with Anne in fall 2020—in which she shared beautiful messages from deceased loved ones—that she would become a trusted advisor (and cheerleader!) for my own spiritual journey.
From the start, Anne has connected easily with my soul, sensing what was happening with me physically, emotionally, energetically, and/or spiritually at any given time and then addressing the issue. I’m amazed by her ability to clearly explain esoteric concepts and to provide pragmatic, helpful suggestions for actions I can take to promote my own healing and growth. Many of her “homework assignments” have led to profound and transformative spiritual experiences.
Anne is warm, wise, generous, and deeply knowledgeable about and connected to the spirit realm. It’s reassuring to know I can turn to her whenever I need a “tune-up” of any kind or to ask questions about my spiritual development. I always leave our sessions feeling that I’ve healed, learned, and evolved."
- S.S., Massachusetts
A business woman walks confidently across a circular path

Booking Your First Soul Session

Take your time deciding. Get a sense of whether a session feels right. I often say you don't need to believe anything in particular to have a good experience. But do know, we are not "fixing" you, you are getting catalyzed into knowing what to do. Whether you are new to all this "soul stuff," or consider yourself "on the path," I look forward to our conversation.

"You gave an extraordinary, beautiful reading. There was nothing missing. It was crystal clear, deeply moving, and supportive. I understood through the content of your reading that my grandfather has been in my mind, my heart, and soul every step of the way." -S.W.

Mediumship Clients

""Working with Anne has helped me not only connect with my dad during our sessions but has also allowed me to continue connecting with him in my everyday life. I am so grateful for all that I have learned about myself and my abilities through our work!" - J.P.
"You described my grandfather and father's personalities, clothes they wore, right down to the things that they would say if they were still here. It was beautiful how you were able to transition from my grandfather to my dad. Your reading touched my heart and the message was very much in need. Thank you!" - D.J
"Anne brought through my grandpa with a lot of evidence about his health and his personality. I knew that it was him almost immediately and everything she brought through made sense. When she finished reading a butterfly landed on my window, it was such a magical moment! The reading was incredible and meant a lot to me! Thank you, Anne!!!" -V.E.
"It was a wonderful reading! You got so many different things. You are very kind and made it very easy to work with you. Thank you for such a beautiful reading!!" - J.F.
"Anne took her time to carefully bring in info, details, and very clear and meaningful messages from my loved ones. Anne is very caring and warm, and is a great medium. I trust her readings and the heartfelt messages that she brings through. Thank you! :)" - C.C.
"Anne is lovely to connect with, very warm and genuine. She is a fantastic medium and I can highly recommend her. I look forward to another session." – K.L.
"I think you did a great job, my uncle wasn't always the kindest, most gentle man but you were kind but still describing him truthfully. You really captured my dad's personality too." - S.
"Immediately, I felt very at ease with Anne and could tell that she had linked to my grandmother. I loved the evidence on our family dynamics; that was a big one. And the ledger; that was something I learned about her in the last 6 months. She really captured the essence of my grandmother and the message that came through was definitely something that I needed to hear at this time." – P.C.
"Anne channeled my dad and gave great evidence. She gave his name, personality, how he was in life and much more. Anne also channeled accurate information about what's been happening in my life." - T.W.
"Anne did a really wonderful job handling multiple similar communicators at once and bringing through lots of great evidence. Plus, she's just a really lovely person and I appreciate her easy going and good natured energy."
- C.H.
special moment of meeting between a butterfly and a girl in a field lit by sunlight

Booking Your First Mediumship Reading

People seek out a medium for a lot of reasons. Wanting to know loved ones are ok, marking anniversaries, simple curiosity. If you have experienced a very recent loss or are in deep grief, please contact me via email before booking and we will have a conversation prior to a session.

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